
“When people start to learn and apply the Law of Attraction, make it too complex or difficult on themselves, try it for 2 days, and give up because of unsatisfactory results” states Law of Attraction Enthusiast Ivan Jones.

What people don't get is that it's an incremental process. This process is not a daunting one, but does require your commitment and perseverance.
Doing small little things that aren't hard or time consuming, and doing them on a day to day basis over a period of more than just 2 short days, can have you see a difference in your life.

For the past 6 months Jones studied of the Law of Attraction in an experiment to change his life and manifest his dreams.
Besides reading a lot of books, he attended seminars by John Asseraf, Harrison Klein and Dr. John Demartini.

But does six months od study making him an expert?

He believes he has cracked the code and he feels that he now wants to give back to the world, and share the secrets of the universe.

"There's more to learn about the law that you'll ever learn in an entire lifetime, but that shouldn't stop you. I want to stress to people, by tackling the law step by step and doing simple exercises on a day to day basis can have you see massive results down the road. Even though it might not seem like much at first, it all adds up."
"It's not difficult to adopt the Law of Attraction into your life. I've had it been explained to me in easy-to-get terms. You really can have, do or be anything you want in this life and I want to show you the steps you need to take to get you there."
Ivan emphasizes the initial steps towards activating the Law of Attraction as the most crucial.
Sounds wonderful. Yet, how come there are all those extra Laws that the guru’s are suddenly telling us about?

True many of the other Laws really only help keep you either aligned to purpose or remove psychological resistances.

Is Ivan simply cashing in on a gullible market?

Checking his website,, he offers a free report – the usual email grabbing device, although the fact he links to Awebber suggests he is serious.

However, check the contact us, and privacy policy links and they lead to a dead end 404 error page.


Perhaps he has not learned how to manifest marketing techniques yet.

Signup and you get linked to the report, affirmation cards and the usual bonuses of As A Man Thinketh, Think And Grow Rich, The Master Key System and the Science Of Getting Rich-which you can get free anywhere anyhow.

Low and behold you are then sent to Bob Proctors 11 forgotten secrets.
Now I have absolutely nothing against Bob.

However, I find myself thinking that Ivan Jones is just using old information to get a few emails to make back end sales with a list.

Well, I hope I’m wrong.

What’s your experience with Ivan jones? Is he the real deal?
Can you tell me?

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In 1905, the reflections and analysis of Albert Einstein revolutionized of physics, time and even our view of ourselves. Einstein had spent many hours wondering how time and space was experienced under different conditions. With this in mind, writer Alan Lightman wrote the science fiction novel Einstein's Dreams that asks us to think about how our perception of time influences the way we live.

Set in 1905, Bern, Switzerland, Einstein is found hunched over his patent office desk, exhausted after long hours of calculations into the early morning. We are then taken into the mind of Einstein as he dreams a series of ‘what if’ scenarios.

For example, if time slows down as one goes to the top of incredibly tall buildings, so the wealthy buy mansions at the top of buildings they never come down from, or live in a city where people live in constant motion in the belief that time will slow down and so they will have more time.

Einstein was effectively a secular Jew and so Lightman’s Einstein scenarios neglect the Kabbalistic view of time. Yet it is the Kabbalistic world view of time that has held the Jewish people together in millenia of exile and offers lessons for all mankind.

Western Societies see time as linear. The future is a product of the past. Some other societies see time as cyclical, a recreation of the seasonal year of pre-industrial society. Others, like the traditional New Zealand Maori, the past is before him. “‘He sees his parents, grandparents and forebears spread out before him and he participates in this ongoing process by his participation” Metaphorically the future is behind him, it cannot be seen for it has not yet happened.

Kabbalistically, time is a product not of the past but of the future. The future is teleologically ahead for those who care to learn to perceive the leadings of an altruistic creator that we experience in the feedback loop called life.

Meta historian Arnold Toynbee tried to develop a world view of history leading to ultimate human realization. Where Toynbee theorized the Kabbalistic perspective of time has been applied in practice and helped hold the Jewish people to turn adversity to good.

The same Bible book that describes the hopeful creation of man ends with Joseph dying in Egypt, his family awaiting years of Egyptian bondage. From a beginning of creative hope, there is a prospect of desolation and hardship. Yet in his dying words we read of an unbending belief in the future: “Joseph said to his brothers, "I am going to die; God will surely remember you and take you up out of this land to the land that He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob" (Bereishit –Genesis 50:24).

The TaNaK, or Jewish Bible, is placed in a different order top the Christian translations. The TaNaK ends with Israel in exile in Babylon and Persian king Cyrus proclaiming that G-d “commanded me to build Him a House in Jerusalem, which is in Judea. Who among you is of all His people, may the Lord his God be with him, and he may ascend" (Divrei Hayamim II - 2 Chronicles 36:21).

This futurist vision has held the Jewish people together in exile for millennia. It is why the Dalai Llama has met with Rabbi’s to understand how to successfully navigate a future for the Tibetan people in exile.


"Jewish life is not about rights, or power, or access. It is, above and beyond all else, covenantal. It is about actualizing the covenant between G-d and each individual and G-d and this world” wrote Jewish feminist Rivkah Slonim co-director of the Chabad House at Binghamton University and author of Total Immersion: A Mikvah Anthology

“The Torah teaches that the ultimate purpose of our lives - male and female - is to fill the universe with G-dliness and spirituality. This we do by infusing our every action with sanctity, by using every opportunity to free the G-dly spark inherent in each facet of creation.”

Of course, we live in a world influenced by cause and effect. The question for us each to ask is how we will navigate its influence.

Rabbi Moshe Kordovero , the Ramak (1522 -1570), taught that the outer dimensions of Creation is a product of the evolutionary unfolding of all that preceded it, while the inner light, the soul, runs by different rules.

Rabbi Yitzhak Lurya, the Ari (1534 – 1572), expanded the idea that the soul is enclothed in outer reality. The Ari, describes the universes creation ex-nihilo as a process where G-d regenerates existence at every moment, nullifying and reclothment, hitlavshut , of reality with a pulse of life, a divine quanta of light, that permeates the cosmos. Pulses of existence, non existence, like the yes-no sequences of an electric circuit that power the illusion of reality on our computer.

Unlike an electric circuit, the divine spark within creation, binds mankind’s collective consciousness to the divine argued Yisroel ben Eliezer, known as the Baal Shem Tov (1698 – 1760). Rather than creation being the continual recreation from a vacuum, creation emanates from G-d’s infinite light, the Ein Sof. This infinite energy obliterates and recreates our universal reality in every moment. Hence, our universe is a field of G-d’s self expression with a multiplicity of forms.

In the word of the infinite, past, present and future exist simultaneously. This incomprehensible state is suggested in the unpronounced four letter name of G-d, sometime restated as Havayah, described as an amalgam of the words hayah, hoveh and yihyeh-"was, is and will be." G-d is therefore beyond time, and yet he is within time. He is trans-infinite, being infinite and finite simultaneously at will.

Just as the characters in Alan Lightman novel reality depended on their view of time. We can perhaps ask whether our hopes and aspirations are limited by our view of history.

Are we simply a product of deterministic chaos? Are our psychological needs attained by what Maslow called self actualization, achievable only after our physical and emotional needs are met, Or do we achieve fulfillment in Adlers pursuit of power?

The kabbalistic inspired psyhological worldview of Chassidus, perhaps more closely suggests finding fulfillment in the search for meaning espoused by Victor Frankl. But at variance with Frankl, Kabbalah finds the search for meaning fulfilled in the pursuit of unity with the Creator.

“The more enlightened conception of time, deriving from the consciousness of hitlavshut,” explained Rabbi Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh “allows for constant renewal and creativity as each and every moment releases one from the past and reveals the range of possibility inherent in the continuous present moment.”

“It allows one the absolute freedom of identifying with He who created time itself. This state of consciousness, which will crystallize at the time of universal redemption, holds the key to liberating all of Creation from its imaginary bonds of selfhood and restoring the true Divine face of reality.”

Whatever our religious persuasion, we are all Children of God, created in His image. As a collective society we must ask whether we will choose to chose to rekindle the spark of G-dliness in creation. Will society learn to turn its nuclear swords into plow shares and redress the balance of social and ecological responsibility? Will we choose to be pulled along by the power of a collective vision of unity and justice? Or will we live our futures kicked along by historical animosities, perceived injustices and yearned for revenge?

According to Kabbalah, humans are the only creatures that that exist in the spiritual and physical world at the same time. As Kabbalist's life is defined by his relationship with God in every level of his life.

Of course, the principles underlying Kabbalah transcend organized religion. However, the intricacies of Jewish practice embody Kabbalistic principles.

Although, Judaism is often misunderstood as a collection of rules and restrictions embodied in 613 commandments. This view misunderstands the deaper meaning of mitzvot, or commandment which also means connection. Whether in lighting a Sabbath candle, awakening to the Modeh Ani prayer, or obeying a Torah demanded ritual, each act seeks to connect with the creator with the fervor of a man for his beloved, or a fan for an admired celebrity.

The connection is not a burden, but a pleasure Each observance rekindles the spark of the divine in all things in the Kabbalistic pursuit to make the earth a home for G-d so that all mankind will be bless themselves in unity, in altruism and in love.

For this to occur, mankind must reverse his linear, past driven prospects and aspire to a vision of the future that transcends selfish pursuit and compels us to experience the pleasure that comes from service and the joy of giving altruistically like his creator.

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Dead Buddhist Monk Is Alive, Feb 25, 2007

Moscow, Russia -- “Exhumation of the body of Hambo Lama Itigelov took place September 10 th, 2002 on the territory of cemetery near the city of Ulan Ude (Russian Federation). He died and was buried in 1927 and the exhumation was performed in presence of relatives, officials, and specialists”.

This was the information that appeared in Russian mass media regarding Buryat Lama who was exhumed from the grave in the beginning of the 21 st century. The grave contained a wooden box and there was a sitting Buddhist lama in ‘lotus’ pose. His body was preserved as if it was mummified, however it was not. Soft muscles and skin, folding joints. The body was covered with silk clothes and fabric.

Hambo Lama Itigelov is a real person quite well known in Russian history. He studied in Anninsky Datsan (Buddhist university in Buryatia, nowadays there are ruins only) and obtained degrees in medicine and philosophy (on the nature of emptiness), he created an encyclopedia of pharmacology.

In 1911 Itigelov became a Hambo Lama (the head of Buddhist church in Russia). During the period from 1913 till 1917 he participated in social actions of the Tsar, being invited to 300-year anniversary of Romanov’s house, opened the first Buddhist temple in St. Petersburg, and Nikolai II gave him St. Stanislav award on 19 th of March, 1917.

During the First World War Itigelov created and inspired the organization called “Buryat brothers”. He was helping the army with money, meals, clothes, medicaments, he also built a set of hospitals with lama doctors helping wounded soldiers. For that he got St. Anna award and others.

In 1926 Itigelov advised the Buddhist monks to leave Russia, since ‘the red teaching was coming’ (Itigelov himself never left Russia). In 1927, being 75, he told lamas to begin meditation, since he said he was preparing to die. Lamas did not want to perform this meditation because Itigelov was still alive. Thus, Itigelov began to meditate by himself, lamas joined him and soon he died.

Ititgelov left a testament where he asked to bury him as he was, sitting in lotus pose in the cedar box on traditional cemetery. It was done. There was also a statement, where he asked other monks to exhume him after several years. (This is the exciting point – this means he knew that his body would be preserved). This was done in 1955 and in 1973 by Buddhist monks but they were scared to tell everybody about this, since communist regime did not leave any space for religion in society. Only in 2002 the body was finally exhumed and transferred to Ivolginsky Datsan (a residence of today’s Hambo Lama) where it was closely examined by monks and, which is now more important, by scientists and pathologists. The official statement was issued about the body – very well preserved, without any signs of decay, whole muscles and inner tissue, soft joints and skin. The interesting thing is that the body was never embalmed or mummified.

Two years passed. Itigelov’s body is now kept open air, in contact with other people, without any temperature or humidity regimes. How Itigelov keeps this condition, nobody knows.

This is the ONLY KNOWN AND CONFIRMED CASE OF IMPERISHABLE BODY throughout the whole world. Embalming and mummifying is well known among different nations and peoples – Chili (Chinchora), Egypt mummies, Christian Saints, communist leaders and others. Some bodies were found in permafrost, however when they contacted with oxygen atmosphere they perished within several hours.

However, there are descriptions of such things in Buddhist texts, but there are no confirmed examples. Well, now there is.

For two years after the exhumation of Itigilov’s body it does not perish nor decay, no fungus, no negative things happen to it. Itigelov said before he died that he left a message to all peoples on Earth. This message contains no words. Now it is our turn to understand it.

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Startling evidence that the human brain can grow new nerves began with unlikely studies of birdsong
By Edwin Kiester, Jr., and William Kiester Smithsonian magazine, June 2002

The barn where he works is in the horse country of Millbrook, New York, but it echoes with trills, tweets and obbligatos—the raucous music of more than a thousand caged canaries and finches. "Hear that one singing his heart out?" Fernando Nottebohm asks. "He has more than a dozen songs. He’s telling the males, 'This is my territory.' He’s telling the females, 'Hey, look at me.'"
Deconstructing birdsong may seem an unlikely way to shake up biology. But Nottebohm’s research has shattered the belief that a brain gets its quota of nerve cells shortly after birth and stands by helplessly as one by one they die—a "fact" drummed into every schoolkid’s skull. On the contrary, the often-rumpled Argentina-born biologist demonstrated two decades ago that the brain of a male songbird grows fresh nerve cells in the fall to replace those that die off in summer.
The findings were shocking, and scientists voiced skepticism that the adult human brain had the same knack for regeneration. "Read my lips: no new neurons," quipped Pasko Rakic, a Yale University neuroscientist doubtful that a person, like a bird, could grow new neurons just to learn a song.
Yet, inspired by Nottebohm’s work, researchers went on to find that other adult animals—including human beings—are indeed capable of producing new brain cells. And in February, scientists reported for the first time that brand-new nerves in adult mouse brains appeared to conduct impulses—a finding that addressed lingering concerns that newly formed adult neurons might not function. Though such evidence is preliminary, scientists believe that this growing body of research will yield insights into how people learn and remember. Also, studying neurogenesis, or nerve growth, may lead them to better understand, and perhaps treat, devastating diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, caused by wasted nerves in the brain.
Few would have predicted that canary courtship would lead to such a breakthrough. Nottebohm’s bird studies "opened our eyes that the adult brain does change and develops new cells throughout life," says neurobiologist Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, whose lab recently found evidence of nerve cell regrowth in the human brain.
Nottebohm’s research has achieved renown in biology and beyond. A scientist who advances an unconventional view and is later vindicated makes for compelling drama, presenting a hero who appeals to the rebel in us and a cautionary lesson to stay open-minded. Yet Nottebohm prefers being a revolutionary to a statesman. "Once I was in the 5 or 10 percent of scientists who believed in neurogenesis," he says. "Now 95 percent accept that position. I rather liked it better being in the minority."
He has been a bird lover since his boyhood, in Buenos Aires. "Listening to birds was sort of my hobby," he says. "Other boys had cars, I had birds. I liked to try to identify them by their songs." He obtained a doctorate at the University of California at Berkeley—yes, studying birds—before moving to Rockefeller University.
A key moment came in 1981 when he showed that the volume of the part of a male canary’s brain that controls song-making changes seasonally. It peaks in the spring, when the need to mate demands the most of a suitor’s musical ability, and shrinks in the summer. It then starts expanding again in the fall—a time to learn and rehearse new tunes. Those fluctuations, Nottebohm and his coworkers later showed, reflected the death and also birth of thousands of neurons. "Astonishing," Gage and a colleague recently wrote.

Over the years, numerous labs have presented evidence that adult neurogenesis occurs in a range of animals, including the rat, the tree shrew and a type of monkey, the marmoset. Meanwhile, scientists gained clues about the source of the new neurons. Working with birds, a young colleague of Nottebohm’s, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, traced the new nerves to particular stem cells in the lining of the ventricles, which are fluid-filled cavities in the brain. Stem cells (so much in the news) exist throughout the body. They’re undefined cells that can develop a specialized function, turning into, say, a liver or blood cell. The discovery that neurons can arise from stem cells in the brain fires hopes of a potentially limitless material for repairing damaged brain tissue. But researchers caution that, for now, it’s mere speculation that stem cells capable of becoming neurons can be used this way.
In 1998, researchers reported that neuronal growth also occurs in the adult human brain. The studies made use of brain tissue from people who died of cancer. The patients had been treated in Sweden and injected with a chemical called BrdU. Because BrdU is incorporated into the DNA of dividing cells, the chemical could serve as a marker for any new nerve cells in the brain. In the study, Swedish researchers shipped the brain samples to Gage in La Jolla. He and his coworkers found BrdU in the hippocampus, part of the brain that lays down memories, suggesting that new neurons had developed and perhaps played a role in storing information.
Nearly all evidence of adult neurogenesis in mammals is limited to the hippocampus, and no one is sure what those new neurons do, if anything. Until scientists establish that new, functioning nerves also appear in the cerebral cortex, where higher thoughts are processed, Rakic and others remain skeptical that adult neurogenesis makes much difference to actual brain function. "We start life with a lot of uneducated neurons, but at some point they all become college graduates," he says. "With neurogenesis in the cerebral cortex, you would have neurons that never went to elementary school. New cells would erode all your memories. You would give up all you have labored to acquire."
Elizabeth Gould, a Princeton University neurobiologist who found neurogenesis in the marmoset and other adult primates, argues that the new nerve cells must be useful. "I can’t believe that nature would go to all the trouble of creating thousands of new cells a day to no purpose," she says. "The body is not profligate with its resources."
Nottebohm says the aging brain probably has to develop nerve cells to learn new things. "The brain runs out of memory space," he says. "Everyone past 50 knows that. If we remembered everything, we’d be in overload."
With the same zeal he showed when he first confounded the received wisdom, Nottebohm began new work with blackcapped chickadees in the mid-1990s. One of the American bird species to weather the northern winter, chickadees subsist in that season on seeds and other foods they’ve hidden in trees. Nottebohm found that come autumn, the birds grow new cells in a brain center dealing with spatial memory, the capacity to navigate and find things. The added brainpower helps the chickadees pinpoint their hidden troves months later, Nottebohm says.
Such insight wins admiration. "Fernando has always been ahead of everybody," says Gould. "So far ahead that people for a long time were not able to accept his findings as interesting or important. Now they’re coming around."

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The road to success is a rocky road for everyone. There is no super-formula to avoid setbacks. Nor is there a path to success that is paved in gold.

However, successful people know that failure is optional, and they know how to use whatever obstacles that come their way as stepping stones and not as roadblocks.

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Empirical studies largely support the continuity hypothesis of dreaming. At least that is the opinion of researchers Michael Schredl, Arthur Funkhouser, and Nicole Arn reported in The International Journal of Dream Research.

The study, Work-related dreams as related to job and life satisfaction in hairdressers, gave a questionnaire to 87 Swiss, female hairdressers between the ages of 17 to 72 and with 1 to 50 years of hairdressing experience in the Swiss town of Thun.

“The present study investigated the frequency and the emotional tone of dreams of hairdressers” states the report, “A relationship was found between daytime mood (job satisfaction) and dream emotions”.

“Life satisfaction that was low, on the other hand, was related to a heightened frequency of work-related dreams. It would be promising to study persons with different professions (stressful and demanding jobs) in order to study the effect of work-related variables and dreaming.”

“Overall, the findings indicate that there is a relationship between work-related dreams and the waking-life of the participants. The frequency of work-related dreams was in­versely related to life satisfaction and the emotions of work-related dreams are correlated with the job and life satisfac­tion. Thus, the study lends some support to the continuity hypothesis. Topics which might explain the relatively small correlation coefficients will be discussed in the following” according to the research.

“Assuming continuity between waking thoughts and dream­ing, this might reflect that persons who are not satisfied with their life in general spend more time thinking about work, i.e. use their jobs which are associated with high satisfaction as some kind of compensation for discontentment in private life. This finding indicates that problems that are not related to work (family, partnership, friends, health, etc.) might af­fect work-related dreams and, thus, it would be desirable to include such measures into future studies. Schredl, Schäfer, Weber and Heuser (1998), for example, reported that health problems were related to dreams about health issues in pa­tients with insomnia.”

The women worked up to 56 hours a week, exhibited positive job and life satisfaction and a low range of stress levels. They remembered dreams twice a week and at least one work related dream every other month.

However, males were not considered in this survey. Research last year suggests women tend to recall dreams more often than men (Schredl & Reinhard, 2008).

This research reported higher figures than the truck drivers (1.90 per week compared to 0.94 per week stated the report, possibly because of gender difference.

“On the other hand, the percentage of work-related dreams was considerably smaller in the hairdressers compared to the truck drivers who completed a similar questionnaire (3.6% vs. 16.8%).”

Regarding dream emotions, the marginally significant cor­relation coefficients between job satisfaction and emotional tone of the work-related dreams were of smaller magnitude than those obtained in the truck driver study; again likely re­lated to the restricted range of stress levels and job satisfac­tion.

A similar study methodology was applied bt Schredl and Erlacher (2008) with similar results to elicit the percentage of sports dreams and in 2006 Erlacher & Schredl used dream diaries and dream content analytic methods to assess the number of sports dreams.

In 2002 Schredl reported moderate correlations between general emotional tone of the dreams (retrospective rating scale) and the emotional tone of diary dreams recorded over two weeks. In addition, the balanced emotional tone is also in line with the research of positive and negative emotions in diary dreams (Schredl & Doll, 1998). These findings indicate that the methodological issues (using retrospective mea­sures for measuring frequency and emotional tone of work-related dreams) are not likely to have biased the results. Age as a possible confounding variable (large age range of the sample) did not affect the correlation coefficients in a marked way

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New Age thought preaches that you can manifest your desires by aligning with the universe. Alignment, it is claimed, occurs when we are in gratitude and have dissolved resistances that block out receiving from the altruistic intelligence governing the world.
Whether you attribute the success of Edison, Ford and others to a quantum recreation of reality by thought, or the consequence of action guided by focused intention, they acted on the belief of a reality beyond them.
Yet as “The Secret” reminds us, you can trace its ideas back to Babylon. Infact, they are found universally, not just Mesopotamia.
After meeting with Kabbalist Michael Laitman, quantum physicist, Fred Alan Wolf said that there is something about the way of thinking in Kabbalah that can improve anything by removing from the shackles of preconceived thought.
Quantum physics teaches the idea that at sub-nuclear reality we are literally one. Everything depends on the one who perceives it.
In the same way Kabbalah argues that if you learn about our true situation, you can then I can draw on the divine intelligence and begin to perceive a greater reality. Just as defocusing your eyes allows you discover a 3 dimensional image hidden in flat stereogra, your desire to see beyond your limited viewpoint focuses your attributes in such a way that you begin to see into the fabric of matter. This allows you to experience our interconnection.

The Laws of the Universe are the same in the physical spiritual and psychological worlds and transcend religious dogma. Although it is probable, that the majority of serious exponents follow Jewish religious practice because all the protocols of Jewish life are intended to help in revealing the spark of the divine that resides in all things.
The idea of universal oneness is found in many faiths, for example Hinduism. Of course there are differences. Eastern religion speaks of an infinite past and an infinite number of souls. Kabbalah describes an infinite God creating a finite number of souls that bought to the earth multiply to become many.
Many Eastern religions discourage eating animals as they too have a soul. Kabbalah recognizes that even plants have souls and so since it is impossible not to kill to eat, you elevate eating to the level of the sacred by saying a blessing.
Before descending into the body, Kabbalah claims the soul was nourished by G-d’s presence. In the earthly realm, the soul is now nourished the radiance of gods glory spread throughout creation.
The "sparks of holiness" are unlocked and nourishes the soul when eastern in an appropriate way. For a Jew, that means eating kosher food and saying a bracha, or blessing. The meal is then elevated from being a routine culinary pit stop to a gourmet spiritual experience. It depends on what Kabbalist’s call kavannah, or intention. The intense focus and realization one has as they raise their thoughts beyond this realm in humble appreciation.
We elevate ourselves from acting as animal souls to the level of a human being conscious of his spiritual reality.
When beginning a blessing, a person recites a blessing he begins Baruch Ata Ado-noy “Blessed are you, Lord.” But how can we bless the very divinity that is in the very breath we use to utter the blessing?
According to Rabbi’s we are proclaiming “You, God, are the Source of all blessing."
The word for blessing, bracha, is related to the word berech, meaning ‘knee’ suggestive of bending your knees in thanks. It also relates to the word breicha, meaning ‘wellspring’ By saying the bracha you open a wellspring of blessing that that can abundantly flow from the Divine.
Kabbalist’s even argue that the Torah begins with the word bereshit, in the beginning, is because in founding the universe He intended it as a blessing. Everything is tied to the oneness of G-d.
Another concept taught by new age success practitioners is the principle of releasing our blocks or resistances.
Jewish prayer has that very intent as one ends the day with an accounting of the soul, or Cheshbon Hanefesh. What did I do right? What did I do wrong? What could I improve? Did I hurt anyone? How may I have acted thoughtlessly, or unconsciously? Did I live up to my ethical standards? What will be my ethical intentions tomorrow?
With the aid of a prayer a person lets go of the ties that bind us to our errors and can begin again revealing the spark of the divine within creation.
The day then ends reflecting on the oneness of the universe. The Shema, the declaration of faith in the oneness of G-d is recited: ‘Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad ’, Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.
This is more than a declaration of a monotheistic divinity. It is a declaration that G-d is in all and transcends all. He is not infinite, for infinite implies he cannot be finite. However he can be both. G-d is trans-infinite; transcending all labels, and is in every blade of grass and in everything we do.
God is waiting for us to align our intention to his so that we can experience connectedness like two lovers sitting across from each other in a room.
In Kabbalah, the creator, whether described in religious or scientific terms, is the same distance from all men. Just as two people sitting in a room can be the same distance aprt and yet bound in intimate sharing or aloof separation, so too man and G-d.
By a process of spiritual refinement we can appreciate our oneness with the universal laws that guide ever level of existence.
So is Kabbalah just another form of New Age magical thinking? No. A Kabbalist must prove to herself what she experiences and assess its validity.
It is not theory. You must prove or reject it for yourself.

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Why is it that we fall in love? Why is it the moment he walks in the room, the world has new meaning?

We fall in love someone close to us, or the timing is right, or someone exudes an elevated sense of mystery that matches unconscious traits learned in childhood.

Suddenly, our whole being focuses in on them. There is an intense craving: an intense emotional craving to be with a particular person that transcends sex.

You need them to call to ring and let you know they love you. You are obsessed with them thinking about them all day and night. Our brain compels us to be with that person.

You may casually reject an invitation to sex and yet feel suicidal if slighted by your lover. So intense is the desire that people universally claim they will die for him.

Is love nothing more than a neurological trick to perpetuate the species by finding the ideal breeding partner? An evolutionary sleight of hand designed to make us so sexually possessive that we form a bond strong enough to raise children?

MRI evidence explains there are three brain centers triggered by romantic love. Love is not an emotion according to researcher Helen Fisher, but a craving, just like craving for chocolate. It is part of our neurological makeup.

On one level there is the elation of early love, on another a craving for sexual intimacy, and thirdly long term sense of attachment calm and security of long term commitment. Perhaps it is this third neurological process, with its distinct brain centre, that over rides your concern for those niggling irritations your spouse presents.

We so strongly desire to connect that in our hunger for communion we often forget that love endures when complimented by restraint. It is balanced by an awareness of our own needs and desires to receive love.

Perhaps this is why people who marry later divorce less.


Love is empowered by its contradictions and by the challenges it forces on us and heightened by mystery.

Where there are no limits, passion burns out. Unrestrained electrical circuit short circuits. Constrained by wires, electricity can face a resistance and power a motor.

Like electricity we seek the shortest route and often miss the greatest passion achieved through restraint.

In the realm of sexuality, tantra enhances passion by lengthening and feeding on pleasure to an almost spiritual ecstasy. Yet Western society promotes instant gratification where nudity is so common place that the mystery of love is lost.

This then leads us to ask is there a greater meaning in life? Are the neurological processes of love simply a biological accident for mating? Or is it a Divine process to designed to help us yearn for greater purpose and connection?

According to Kabbalah, human life is a love affair between the soul and G-d. The spark of G-d in all creation yearns to reunite with the creator. Like lovers driven to distraction who may act in ways that can even harm their love, man’s search for meaning has often crossed the bounds of sanity.

These patterns repeat in all levels of creation – including the emotional realm. True love transcends our neurological drive and ego. Rather than deny these desires they are cultivated and elevated to a spiritual level.

Love is fostered by mutual spiritual giving and commitment teaches Kabbalah. It is greater than mutual attraction or chemistry. Mutually spiritual achievement results in a deep spiritual oneness that enhances emotional and sexual satisfaction.

In Shakespeare’s play, Juliet explains “I look to like if looking liking move.” In love, we must do the same, other wise familiarity degenerates into lack of respect.

A Kabbalist looks to like and find the good in life and embrace life’s contradictions. He believes that everything is ultimately good you must accept life’s contradictions to see it.

In the same way, total acceptance of our partner makes it possible to help our partners grow. We are not blind to their faults, we just chose to work with them and enhance our partner’s strengths and inspire them by working on ourselves. By the reflection of ourselves reacting to our environment our family and lover we become develop greater unity.

Although Kabbalist's believe that everything is ultimately for good, the more you study the more you are forced to face life's paradoxes. One of those paradoxes is the difference between the sexes.

Femininity is respected in Kabbalah as a force that will eventually help reunite mankind. By learning to grow from each others differences in a spirit of unity helps develop an intensely personal bond.

Where a man may seek to feel comlete by expanding his realm, the femine world accommodates and includes.

“A king without a queen, the Zohar says, is neither great nor a king” said Rabbi Menachem Shcneerson.

“For it is the woman who empowers the man to conquer his space. And it is the man who empowers the woman to penetrate and nurture hers.

“And then the man will learn from this woman that he, too, can reach within others and provide nurture. And the woman will learn that she, too, can conquer.”

Mind Power Masters

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