
According to Deepak Chopra our intuition is holistic.
The good doctor has told us for years that our gut feeling is less likely to be edited by ego limited ideas and ego.
Of course, many dimissed this as nonsense.
Perhaps not any more.

Difficult decisions are best handled by our unconscious minds according to psychologist Ap Dijksterhuis of the University of Amsterdam..

As decisions become complex better and happier decisions are made by allowing your unconscious to sift through the many permutations states the 2006 study published in Science.
It seems the unconscious can discover the optimal combination.
Dijksterhuis, whose team formulated the Unconscious Thought Theory,gave volunteers four minutes to pick their favourite car from a list of four based on four sets of parameter such as fuel efficiency and passanger leg room.
When the same choice was made with 12 sets attributes rather than four the voluinteers only chose the best vehicle 25 percent of the time.
If the same volunteers were distracted when shown the list, 50 percent chose the best car.
"Conscious thinkers were better able to make the best choice among simple products, whereas unconscious thinkers were better able to make the best choice among complex products," wrote Dr Dijksterhuis.
Conscious thought isrule based but because we can only conciously focus on a limited number of items, we give undue weight to some factors over others.
Thinking about something several times seems to highlight inconsistencies.
"Participants who chose their favourite poster among a set of five after thorough contemplation showed less post-choice satisfaction than participants who only looked at them briefly," said Dr Dijksterhuis.
"It has been shown that during unconscious thought large amounts of information can be integrated into a evaluative summary judgment” he said.
So there is some merit in the idea to "sleep on it."
The study concludes it is beneficial to think consciously about simple things and delegate complex thinking to the unconscious.
The project included four different studies, that included purchasing from a list of 40 items ofvarying complexity, or assessijng choice and satisfaction from purchasing complicated IKEA produicts and simpler products from Bijenkorf.
So how does doctor Dijksterhuis do it?
When an important decision comes up he gathers together and reviews all the relevant facts said Dr Dijksterhuis.
Then, he told Science: "I sit on things and rely on my gut."
So if you intend to start living beyond limits, acess your intuition.

If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

-Sathya Sai Baba

Mind Power Masters

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